Ekta & Kushal

Destined to be "EK"...

The Bride

Ekta: Charismatic, Sweet, (Very) Cute, Dances (Extremely) Well, Loves Bhindi

The Groom

Kushal: Handsome, Extremely Caring, Sweet, Sexy, Loves Water Sports and Mangoes

Our Story...

From that fortunate meeting in Ottawa...
To which Ekta may not have come, had she continued her plans with her friends
To which Kushal may not have come, had he been living elsewhere

From the first introductions...
Which was actually intended to introduce Kushal to Gaurav (well now his Jeezs)
But resulted in instant attraction

From the the time Kushal saw Ekta perform...
So captivating was Ekta that Kushal didn't even look at Nehadi (Kushal: "Sorry Nehadi")

From the uncertain goodbye...
Considering that neither Ekta nor Kushal exchanged any contact information
(fortunately one of our friends did)

From the first facebook conversation...
Considering that Kushal rarely logs onto facebook (not to mention having to deal with Badidi first)

From the moving on to chatting on G-talk...
Eleviated Kushal from having to log onto facebook
(it was later discovered that he was only logging on facebook to talk to Ekta)

From the first phone call...
Completely unexpected surprise by Ekta

From the first get-together in Toronto...
Even though Kushal showed up 20 mins late (according to Ekta)
Although according to Kushal it was only 10 mins

From the second, third, fourth... and so on phone calls...
Driving the parents nuts (but more so Badidi)
Though Ekta and Kushal thank Rogers for their contribution of thousands of minutes

From the first date...
Athough it didn't go quite according to plan - weather issues
(Kushal blames Ekta for not checking the weather properly)
(Ekta blames Kushal for not confirming the weather himself)

From the realization that we are meant for each other...

To our profound love for each other

Always “EK”

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